If you are one of the millions of Australians that wear contact lenses, have you ever stopped to consider the impact that they may have on the environment? Millions of Australians rely on contact lenses every day, all year round. A popular alternative to eyeglasses, contact lenses are comfortable, have no impact on the wearer’s appearance, and can be used to improve a myriad of vision conditions including Myopia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia, Hyperopia and more. Made from a non-biodegradable plastic, contact lenses can result in a lot of waste, both from the packaging and the lenses themselves With a global focus on sustainability at the forefront of mind, plastic is a hot topic in the world right now. Read on to find out more about you how can minimise the environmental impact of contact lenses

Correct Disposal

According to recent studies, the average amount of plastic in a year’s worth of single use contact lenses is just over 11 grams. With millions of people wearing these each year, incorrect disposal of lenses is a major issue. As lenses come encased in fluid, many wearers will dispose of them by flushing down a sink or toilet. However, plastic lenses don’t fully degrade and when disposed of this way, will only partially break down into smaller fragments, known as microplastics. These microplastics inevitably end up in our waterways and can have a detrimental effect ingested by fish and other aquatic life. Even if they are disposed of in a regular rubbish bin, they will still create problems as microplastics in landfill. There is also the issue of waste from the lens packaging which is typically soft plastic and foil that cannot be recycled in a kerb side recycling bin.

Recycling Contact Lenses

Whilst most contact lenses and their packaging cannot be recycled in regular council recycling bins, there is an option. Lenses, along with their blister packs can be recycled at Abernethy Owens through our support and partnership with Terracycle.

Since July 2017, Australians have diverted 500,000 pieces of contact lens waste from landfill through this program, giving the waste a second life by turning it into new products including garden beds, park benches and other outdoor products. The program allows Australians to collect and ship all brands of used contact lenses and blister to TerraCycle, who will shred, wash, and melt them down into raw materials.

Simply collect your used contact lenses and blister packs at home and drop them into the Terracycle Zero Waste box available at all Abernethy Owens practices across the Perth metropolitan area. The cardboard boxes can be placed in your household recycling bin. 

Making Sustainable Choices

Glasses are often considered the most sustainable option when it comes to vision correction, as wearers will typically hold on to the same pair for a number of years. However, if you prefer contact lenses, try choosing the below options over single use lenses. 

Monthly Lenses – These create less waste than daily disposables. Single use disposable contacts are thrown away every time they're used. This means if you wear them every day for a year, you will place 730 (365x2) pieces of plastic into landfill each month. Then there’s the blister packs and cardboard boxes, though at least some of the packaging can be recycled. Although monthly contacts are plastic, you'll only dispose two lenses each month.

RGP Lenses (Hard Contact Lenses) – With good care and maintenance RGP lenses can last 12-18 months, making them a more environmentally friendly (and economical) choice in the long term. If you recycle the solution bottles, minimal rubbish is created. 

It’s important to remember that your contact lens prescription, including the lens type and material must be tailored specifically to your eyes, which is why it is vital to consult with an optometrist. Never buy contact lenses without an up-to-date prescription. Book a comprehensive eye exam with your trusted optometry practice to make sure your lenses are the right size, shape, and strength for your eyes.

Do you wear contact lenses? Perth’s Abernethy Owens strives to provide all patients with the maximum quality of vision alongside the latest range of contact lenses, spectacle frames and sunglasses. We are here to help with a variety of innovative solutions to help treat a diverse range of eye health conditions. Book an eye test online now or call 1800 411 744 today.