A return to the "new normal"
As the time goes on, we are all finding our way through the "new normal". As COVID outbreaks occur and the border restrictions across Australia fluctuate we have to remain vigilant, as recent events show how quickly this virus can spread. Since March, we have implemented strict hygiene practices which have been maintained throughout the year. OUr plan it to maintain these new measures for the foreseeable future, therefore you can be assured that if you attend an Abernethy Owens practice your health and safety remains our utmost priority.
There are some eye conditions, such as Glaucoma or Macula Degeneration, which are progressive in nature and respond best to treatment when detected early on. Taking care of and preserving your vision is our number one priority as eye health providers and we do not want you to go untreated or undiagnosed during this pandemic. It is still important for you to attend your regular eye examinations, especially if you are being monitored for any eye-related conditions.
We are ready to book you in for your appointment
We are currently operating to full capacity and can provide all aspects of Optometric care. All our services are available including all Contact lens, spectacle and Dry Eye consultations and all diagnostic tests and scans. Please give us a call or book an appointment online through our website. It is important not to neglect your eye health and regular eye examinations are a critical part of monitoring any progression in or signs of eye disease.
If you chose to defer your routine eye examination due to the COVID-19 pandemic, firstly we'd like to thank you for allowing us to prioritise our more urgent patients. With our capacity back to normal we encourage you to revisit your booking when ever it’s convenient for you to do so.It's simple as giving us a call or booking online.
We have made a number of procedural changes in our locations to support good hygiene practices and help to protect our community from the spread of COVID-19. They inlcude:
If you are suffering from any viral illness (whether suspected COVID-19 or not) then you should cease contact lens wear while you are ill and for 24 hours after your symptoms resolve. As yourself if you have a pair of spectacles to wear in this instance.