No matter your age, maintaining good eye health is absolutely essential. From childhood to our senior years, each stage of life presents different vision needs and challenges. By adopting some simple habits tailored to your age group, you can preserve your sight and keep your eyes as healthy as possible for the long term.


In the early years, protecting young eyes from excessive screen time and ensuring proper vision development are key. As we mature, regular eye exams become imperative in detecting and managing conditions like myopia, cataracts and macular degeneration. And in the golden years, compassionate care and adaptive technologies can help seniors enjoy retirement with clarity.


Whatever your age, the gift of sight is precious and should not be taken for granted. With the right eye care strategies, you can protect your eye sight and make the most of every moment.


The Importance of Early Eye Care for Children

From the moment our little ones open their eyes, their visual development is a delicate and critical process that deserves expert attention. By prioritising comprehensive eye exams from an early age, we can unlock a world of possibilities for our children. Strong visual skills not only enhance their learning and academic performance but also lay the foundation for a lifetime of clear, comfortable sight.


Don't wait until problems arise - be proactive in your child's eye health. Regular check-ups can identify and address any underlying issues, allowing for timely interventions that can make all the difference.


Eye Care for Babies and Toddlers

·       Monitor eye movements to ensure that your baby’s eyes move together and are aligned. Any misalignment or lack of coordination should be evaluated by a paediatric eye doctor.

·       Use colourful toys and objects such as mobiles and book to stimulate the eyes and develop your child’s vision.


Kinder and Primary School Children

·       Regular eye exams are essential, especially before starting school.

·       Excessive use of digital devices can lead to eye strain so set limits on screen time and encourage outdoor play as often as possible.

·       Encourage the use of sunglasses when outdoors, especially on hot, sunny days.



·       Ensure teens have regular eye exams to detect changes in vision and update prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses.

·       Encourage the 20-20-20 rule around screens - every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away to reduce digital eye strain.

·       Encourage a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly those high in vitamins A and C, to support eye health.


Protecting Your Eyes in the Prime of Life

Whether you're a busy professional, a stay at home mum, or someone in between, incorporating simple yet effective eye care practices into your daily routine can help you maintain clear, vibrant vision for years to come.


Eye Care for Adults (20-40 Years)

·       Adults should have comprehensive eye exams every two years, unless more frequent exams have been recommended by an eye care professional.

·       Whether at work or during recreational activities, always use appropriate protective eyewear to prevent injuries.

·       Follow the 20-20-20 rule and adjust your workspace to reduce glare and eye strain. Ensure your computer screen is at eye level and at a comfortable distance.


Middle-Aged Adults (40-60 Years)

·       Consider more frequent eye exams to monitor for age-related conditions like cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma.

·        Getting visual aids, such as reading glasses or multifocal lenses, will help you avoid eyestrain if you experience difficulty focusing on close objects. Your Optometrist will advise you of the best choices for your vision and lifestyle.

·       Maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking to reduce the risk of eye diseases.


Maintaining Optimal Vision in the Senior Years

As we grow older, our eyes naturally undergo changes that can impact vision. Seniors are at higher risk for several eye conditions that can lead to vision loss if not detected and treated early.


·       Annual eye examinations are recommended to help detect and manage conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

·       Keep chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension under control, as they can significantly affect eye health.

·       Ensure good lighting in the home and use non-slip mats to prevent falls that could result in eye injuries.

·       Be aware of the symptoms of common eye conditions and seek prompt medical attention if you notice any changes in your vision.


By embracing a few simple vision-saving habits at every stage of life, you can ensure that your eyes and vision remain strong as you inevitably get older. Regardless of your age, if you notice any changes in your vision or have any concerns about the health of your eyes, get in touch with your trusted Perth Optician.


Abernethy Owens has five practices across Perth, there’s such to be one near you. Book an appointment online now or call 1800 411 744 today.