Eyeglasses are an important tool for correcting a multitude of vision problems, and they are often a significant financial investment. Once you’ve found the right pair that flatters your face and fits comfortably, it’s vital that you clean and care for them so that they’ll have you seeing clearly well into the future. Whether you have just received your first pair, or you’ve been wearing glasses for years, here’s a few cleaning and care tips to help you keep your lenses and frames in top condition.

Only Use Recommended Products

It’s a common sight to see people remove their glasses and quickly wipe their lenses with a tissue, napkin, paper towel, or even their sleeve. All of these things may cause damage to the lenses and may even strip the coating. Instead, you should always use the cleaning cloth provided to you by your Optometrist. Additionally, to remove stubborn dirt or smudges you should only use a lens-specific cleaning solution or spray, never use harsh cleaning products or saliva.

Don’t Neglect the Frames

Many eyeglass wearers take the time to clean the lenses, but the frames are often forgotten. Keeping the frames clean is very important as they have tiny spaces which can harbour germs and bacteria that can lead to skin issues and eye irritation. Also, a build-up of grime and dirt can impact the aesthetic of your glasses and make them susceptible to premature wear and tear. Gently clean the nose pads, hinges, and screws to remove as much grime as you can with soapy water, then rinse, and dry thoroughly.

Store them Correctly

When you remove your eyeglasses, always place them into the case provided. Leaving your glasses on a table or other surface can result in dirt accumulation, damage, and scratches. Avoid placing your glasses on your head, not only will this result in them becoming dirty, but they can also loosen and stretch. Before storing your glasses in their case at the end of each day, rinse them with water and dry thoroughly with a microfibre cloth.

Don’t Try to Buff Out Scratches

Even with the utmost care, you might come across a scratch on your lens. Don’t try to remove the scratch, it’s likely you will make things worse, and you may even end up with a cloudy lens or more scratches. Some lenses are scratch-resistant, which means that flaws are not easily visible. However, if the scratches are affecting your vision, you should take your glasses to your local Optometrist for lens assessment and replacement. For your safety, you should always ensure your lenses are free from scratches and other damage.

Cleaning Tips

  • Before you clean your glasses, be sure to wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
  • Clean your glasses with a warm water rinse that can include a drop of lotion-free dishwashing liquid or use a specific eyeglass cleaning solution spray.
  • Dry with a clean, soft microfiber lens cloth.
  • Store your clean glasses in an appropriate storage case.

Things to Avoid

  • Don’t wipe your lenses while they are dry. This can cause scratching and damage to your lens coatings.
  • Don’t use tissues with Aloe-vera or added scent as these will deposit unwanted oils onto your lenses causing them to smear rather than clean.
  • Don’t use cleaning products that aren’t specified for lenses, such as household cleaners or rubbing alcohol.
  • Avoid leaving your glasses in excessive heat.
  • Do not lay your glasses lens-down on any surface.

If you need more advice on how to properly care for your eyeglasses or you need a new cleaning cloth or spray, get in touch with your local Abernethy Owens Practice today.

Eye Testing - Perth

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, or you think you may need them, book an eye test online now or call 1800 411 744. Our Optometrists will perform a non-invasive, comprehensive eye test to fully assess the vision, health, and function of your eyes. With 5 practices across Perth, there’s sure to be one near you.